How I became an immigrant in Sweden. Intro

Masha Jo
2 min readJan 7, 2021
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

I was young I graduated from the University with an excellent diploma, by that time I had participated in the student exchange program in the USA. I loved New York, I loved being abroad, so I wanted more.

Life in my own city started to seem so boring and people so rude, that I became really anxious to go somewhere. I had the Netherlands in mind, because I had one Dutch skype friend, and I was as in love with him as a young unexperienced girl can be. We laughed and had fun together. The other thing that attracted me in Holland was the fact that the men were the tallest in the world according to statistics. How it bothered me, you may wonder? I am rather tall myself, so I was drawn to tall people by default.

Then I found a chance to go to Europe. Not Holland though, it was Sweden. Sounded close enough for me.

So it was a lady, let’s say Larisa, who had a tour agency. She had what she called ‘a program’ of safe staying in Sweden. She didn’t explain all the details before we paid some sensitive sum of money, she only gave us a few examples of successful stories from people who escaped and now are happy there.

We paid (my family helped me, as they were already willing to get rid of me because I was really unhappy). Then Larisa revealed the steps of the future ‘operation’.

Firstly, I got a regular tourist Schengen visa to Sweden. I was supposed to travel to Europe from Saint-Petersburg on a bus. We arrived to Helsinki first, then we went on a boat to Sweden, then there was the rest of the trip, but it was of no interest for me, as Stockolm was supposed to become my final destination



Masha Jo

Masha from Russia, my life abroad and some other stories